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Understanding the Mediating Effects of Commitment and Performance on the Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Engagement among Nurses
Job satisfaction, engagement, and commitment are important factors for caregiver well-being and workplace retention. Rewards, organizational and regulatory support, and professional characteristics are important prerequisites for nurses’ engagement and should be considered when determining work engagement.
This study was conducted in Jordan to investigate the relationships between nurses’ job satisfaction, commitment, engagement, and performance.
This study employed a cross-sectional design, with a focus on nurses, utilizing a convenience sampling method with a sample size of 216 participants. It assesses work engagement, job performance, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment using validated scales. Data analysis included statistical procedures, such as correlation analysis and structural equation modeling.
Most participants were female, married, and had a BSN degree. Positive relationships were found among engagement, performance, commitment, and job satisfaction. Satisfaction was strongly correlated with commitment, and moderately correlated with performance. The final model had a good fit (relative chi-square = 2.001, X^2(1) = 2.001, p = 0.157, GFI = 0.995, AGFI = 0.954, CFI = 0.996, P Ratio = 0.167, RMSEA = 0.068). Direct relationships were significant between engagement, satisfaction, commitment, and performance (B = 1.433, p < 0.001; B = 0.319, p < 0.001; B = 0.797, p < 0.001; respectively). Commitment mediated the relationship between satisfaction and engagement (total effect, B = 0.663) and satisfaction and performance (total effect, B = 0.591). Performance is directly related to engagement (B = 0.214).
Commitment played a mediating role in the relationship between satisfaction, engagement, and performance. Enhancing job satisfaction and engagement can contribute to increased commitment and improved performance among nurses in healthcare settings. These findings highlight the importance of fostering a supportive work environment to optimize nursing outcomes.