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Predictors of COVID-19 Prevention Practices among Abu Dhabi Healthcare Professionals
Healthcare professionals (HCPs) played an important role in preventing, controlling, and managing the COVID-19 pandemic because of their proximity to the outbreak. Protecting HCPs and their surroundings at home and at work is critical in pandemic planning and response. Abu Dhabi strongly responded to the COVID-19 pandemic by implementing stringent procedures in the management process, implementing high-quality measures, and adhering to strict protocols.
To explore the predictors of COVID-19 pandemic practices among HCPs.
In a descriptive, cross-sectional research design, an online survey was used. The survey was sent out via email and social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and WhatsApp. The target population included all HCPs at Abu Dhabi hospitals. In addition to the demographic data sheet, the level of knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) toward the COVID-19 pandemic was assessed. The study questionnaire was completed by 290 participants.
Analysis revealed that HCPs had a high level of knowledge (M=13.9, SD=1.76), high level of attitudes (M=6.8, SD=1.02) and high level of practices (M= 5.7, SD= 0.80). Many significant differences in participants’ practices were observed based on their demographics. Christians (t= 3.73. B= .21, p <.001), official health organizations, news media, seminars and workshop (t= 4.61. B= .26, p <.001) and being physicians (t= -2.64. B= -.12, p <.01) were significant predictors of HCPs’ COVID-19 pandemic prevention practices, accounting for 14% of the variance in participants' practices level (F (6, 283) = 7.94, p <.001).
The majority of HCPs in Abu Dhabi showed a high level of awareness of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as favorable attitudes and good infection control measures. To maintain high knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of COVID-19, continuous training and evaluation program should be created.